Conscious Cup Coffee Roasters

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What is Fair Trade?

We’ve been big supporters of Fair Trade since we first began roasting coffee in 2005. Though the market has changed and a new generation of premium quality producers has emerged as a competitived alternative to Fair Trade Certified coffees. The spirit of the Fair Trade movement sowed the seeds for specialty coffees more ethical and quality-focused approach to buying.

Here is some more information about Fair Trade from our partners at Fair Trade USA



Fair Trade is a system of exchange that honors producers, communities, consumers, and the environment. It is a model for the global economy rooted in people-to-people connections, justice, and sustainability. 

When you make Fair Trade purchases you are supporting:


For Fair Trade Certified™ products, a base price for the commodity is set by the international Fair Trade Labeling Organization. The price floor is determined by the cost of production and wages first, protecting producers from fluctuating trade markets. And, additionally, setting a fixed price for sustainable goods within those markets. Importers and retailers are and certified by Fair Trade USA to ensure that they are paying the Fair Trade price for products. 


Fair Trade producer cooperatives reinvest their revenues into their businesses and their communities. For each Fair Trade product sold the cooperative receives a set amount of money, called the social premium, which is invested in community development projects democratically chosen by the cooperative. Projects funded through the social premium include the building of health care clinics and schools, starting scholarship funds, building housing and providing leadership training and women's empowerment programs.


Fair Trade farmers and artisans respect the natural habitat and are encouraged to engage in sustainable production methods. Farmers implement integrated crop management and avoid the use of toxic agrochemicals for pest management. Nearly 85% of Fair Trade Certified™ coffee is also organic.


Fair Trade supports small producers, those at the bottom of the economic ladder or from marginalized communities, that otherwise do not have access to economic mobility. Fair Trade encourages and supports a cooperative system where each producer owns a portion of the business, has a say in decisions and enjoys fair returns. Fair Trade importers purchase directly from Fair Trade cooperatives, eliminating unnecessary middlemen and empowering farmers to compete in an open global marketplace. The certification also secures long-term, stable relationships between producers and importers.


Workers are guaranteed freedom of association and safe working conditions. Fair Trade also encourages women's participation in and leadership of cooperatives. Human rights and child labor laws are strictly enforced.

We source the best Fair Trade Certified coffees in the world. Check out our online store for some great single-origin and blended coffees.